Dear Academy Families
We are so excited to announce that classes will be returning to normal(ish)!
The government has announced that from July 1:
  • Contact sports may recommence
  • Classes numbers will be unlimited
As you know, we have always loved having our families stay, chat and socialise; however, due to the increase in student numbers allowed in the premises we would like to ask that only 1 parent/carer per family stays as we must still adhere to the 4mrule.
We will be reinstating all the PaySmart DIRECT DEBITS from the 1st July. We do understand that the amended timetable may not suit everyone so if you DO NOT wish for your payment to be reinstated or wish to amend the fees to a lower or higher membership rate, please contact us prior to this date. 
This is also great news for all students who were ready or very close to grading in April. We will be holding a small grading in July for all colour belts, date to be advised. Students training for their Black Belt will have more time to prepare. We will possibly hold off until December so everyone is fit and ready but we will communicate with everyone as classes resume and begin to normalise.
Please review the new timetable. At this stage, Friday and Saturdays will remain open for private sessions. 
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to come talk to us at reception or email
Kindest regards
Master Kosta &Team