Enrolment Information


ADAPT Martial Arts & Boxing Academy runs almost the entire year!

We only close during public holidays and Christmas (8 public holidays and 2-3 weeks Christmas holidays) depending on what day Christmas falls. We encourage students to attend extra classes during school holidays to make up for these closures throughout the year.

Missed Classes:

Don’t worry, just come to the next available class, no need to pre-book. Make up classes can be done at any suitable time.

However, make up classes are done in good faith. Missed classes do not accumulate over time to then suspend payments at a later date and are not accepted as contract termination notice.

  • Are entered into a contract for a minimum of 10 payments. They roll over and renew automatically.
  • All plans are direct debited weekly or fortnightly.
  • If your payment defaults (doesn’t come out eg, insufficient funds) there will be a $15 fee added to the next payment.
  • Other costs added to 1st payment ONLY: $5.50 direct debit set up admin fee and $29 once off registration/insurance fee.
  • Payments can be suspended for up to 10 weeks in a calendar year, at least 1-week written notice is needed.
  • We do not automatically suspend payments for school holidays. Or the 2 weeks we are closed for Christmas, as we allow you to make up and attend unlimited classes during all school holidays. If you wish to suspend your membership during holidays, you MUST inform us in writing.
Contract Termination:

Contracts can be terminated with a 4-week written notice. Any missed classes that may have been accumulate over time are not accepted as contract termination notice.

ADAPT Martial Arts & Boxing Academy offers an affordable weekly or fortnightly direct debit plan to everyone.
This will give you the best available pricing. 

All students should carry a bag with a minimum of:

Little Rangers & Juniors



Water Bottle

Water Bottle

Water Bottle





Shin Guards



Mouth Guard


PLUS And any medication or preventatives such as asthma spray if needed.


Boxing Information

Our plans are:

 Single Class per week  $ 18 per week (direct debit)

 Unlimited classes  $ 31 per week (direct debit)

Casual Class  $ 20 per class must pay online before attending the class.

 Book online @ adaptacademy.com.au/casual-boxing-fitness-classes/ or pay EFT on arrival.

Uniform Requirements:

No formal uniform is required for Boxing Classes. But we do require that all participants to have a water bottle, wraps and boxing gloves at a minimum. We sell all of these at the Academy if you need to purchase them.

Also, please bring a towel!

Martial Arts Information

Our weekly plans are:  

Single (1 class)  $23

Basic (2 classes) $31 ** this is the recommended level

Black Belt (3-4 classes) $38

Masters (unlimited) $43

We have family discounts for basic to master’s memberships. **Basic plan (recommended and most popular) is $31 per week for the first student, $51 for 2 students and further discounts apply for subsequent enrolments of the same family. Please ask one of our friendly staff for more details on other plans.

Please note – When choosing single class per week grading will be affected.


Grading happens 4 times per year, usually corresponding with school holidays (roughly every 10 – 12 weeks).

This is the physical test all students undertake to get their next belt ranking ie, yellow, orange, green etc. If unavailable to attend on the day, you or your child can grade at the next available class time but must be arranged with Master Kosta or Miss Evelyn.

Grading must be paid for at least 1 week prior to the day.

Coloured belts costs are as follows: $ 25 for Little Rangers – $ 50 juniors, teen/adults

FAQ:           How long will it take for my child to grade?

Beginner class (white, yellow and orange belts) require a minimum of 15-18 classes. If your child attends the recommended 2 classes per week, they should be able to grade every 3 months. If they only attend 1 class the period will double and therefore they will not be progressing at the same rate as their peers.

Uniform must always be worn for MARTIAL ART classes – Little Rangers, Junior, Teen and Adults.
As a minimum Gi pants, training T/shirt and belt. Failure to do so will require you to stand at the back of the line.

All items can be purchased separately, and we keep most in stock, but we do encourage you to purchase
the full pack giving you great savings.


Little Rangers

& Juniors


Pack 1


Pack 2

Gi (Pants and jacket)

$ 65

$ 65

$ 65

Training t-shirt

$ 30

$ 30

$ 30

Boxing gloves

$ 45

$ 65

$ 65

Shin guards


$ 35

$ 55

Mouth guard


$ 10

$ 10


Complete Pack (SAVING $25)

$ 115

$ 180

$ 200

** We accept Active Kids Vouchers **


If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to talk to any of the friendly team members.

Call us on 4200 1309 or email us:

            For general enquiries:         admin@adaptacademy.com.au

            For accounts and billings:  accounts@adaptacademy.com.au

          Private sessions:                 training@adaptacademy.com.au